Image Gallery

My photo gallery plus some graphic arts for display.

A manifesto poster I've made for design in general, tried to give the header texts some depth with the shadow.
Texture - The texture on the brick is visuble and you cans ee the texture on them
A keep calm poster I created, the font got replaced because I didn't have it on my computer when I exported the photo.
Contrast - It's a nice contrast between the red on the leaf in the middle and the green on surrounding edges.
Movement - It was a nice blurred background while I followed the car with the camera creating the movement
Repetition - Pretty self explanatory.
Form - There's abstract shapes on the bench and the bench itself
Line - The photo has an obvious line going towards the light at the top.
Value -
Wom pwomp
Originally this wasn't supposed to be exitement or whatever that emotion is (I forgot the word to it), as it was something I had to do quickly at the moment. When I saw the two, I had a 200mm lens attached to my camera, and I was close so I wasn't able to get the full image, so I had to run a little further away on the bleachers and by then they had stopped what they were doing before - what I wanted to originally capture, and I assumed that this would just be a bad photo, but looking back at the photos, I kinda got shocked at how good it was, and I wasn't able to get any alternative photos as this was the only one I was able to get before they had moved.
A zoo logo I designed for an assignment I don't know the name to.
A poster design I made for the Oregon O[Yes] poster competition that I didn't submit.
Shape - The shape of the speaker frame and the circles
Color -
Some 'minimalistic' logo designs I've created for myself just because.
Something simple I whipped up because my last one didn't look good.
I chose this photo because it has a nice white and black space surrounding the light.